at level 2, there is a corner for kids to dress up as kings and princesses and a wooden carriage to ride in.

then there is the loot section, a display of the loot that was brought back from foreign wars won. all kinds of stuff, armor, weapons, books, scientific equiptment, religious relics, paintings.

to the exhibition proper. get a headset and a digital guide. just put units close togehter and press to hear a running commentary on the items on display. quite cool.

they have left the building in as much its original state as possible. so its really nice to walk inside, to be brought back to the past with those large rugged brick slabs.

gustaf vasa's helmet, the oldest item, hes the 'founding father' of sweden. brought in protestantism and was an elected king but made the king's title heriditary. smart guy.

another king who at his time, armor was not infashion (what crap) so they went to war in normal clothes. as an effect he got shot twice and escaped alive, so kept his clothes as a testamant that he was inpermeable by bullets.

bullet nick near the neck

another hole at the hip

this guy was not so lucky. got shot and died of blood poisoning during a masqurade ball.

socks in the olden days.

the kings trusted horse who died because of gushot injuries. the sadle was a present from the queen. they skinned the horse and displayed it.

the king on the horse fell down, and got killed by multiple stabs, gunshots and slashes. left in his underclothes to die. the army found him later and brought him back for burial. his heart was taken out and wrapped in cloth as seen at the right and given to the queen.

batallion colors

what the armory first looked like. simple and keeping the royal family's guns

knight in full shining armor

is it a piece of art?

helmet for storming the gates, weighing 15kg, and able to withstand a rifle at point blank (tested by the mark left in the middle)

coat of arms. with symbols taken from sweden, denmark and uk. to make their rivals angry at them for using their logos.

dueling pistols. only one can stand after it. outlawed but still widely practiced.

ceremonial sword

the round thing at the armpit is to protect the armpit. the holes on the chest is to mount a spear. the hammer like thing in front is a javelin like thing and it also has a hidden pistol inside.

one of the kings died, and had a massive burial procession which commissioned the making of full armors for knights. it took a long time to prepare, and 1/6 of the country's budget that year to stage it.

the king was burried in this 18k gold crown

fat, waist mesured 90cm

queen christina, not married but no brothers to take the throne. brought up as a male she is the only head of state to abdicate the throne throughout sweden's history, and then fled to france.

she gave the throne over to her nephew, who wore this at the ceremony

wedding gown, she's super thin lor.

staff with insignia

the current king's grandfather iintroduced tennis to sweden and was used to wearing a tie to play the game. his queen would watch him play in the white morning gown.

the present king's suit when he was a kid.

baby royal stuff

for some queen for some big ceremony.


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