sometimes life is so busy, i wish i had time to relax
sometimes i wish life would be busier so i dont need to think of some things.

words pop in now and then
i want to pen them down but then
there woudl be so much criticism i would be condemned.

people say live life with no regrets
i regret alot.
little things, big things.
things i did not so much
things i didnt do, more.

its like i cant say it straight.
too many people, too many feelings
even this.

i want to be here
i want to be there.
maybe a little bit of here and there: thats paradise.

wounds heal, but the cold cracks new ones.
whats the point of healing then?

look at the mirror,
i dont like what i see
thats what happens
when you are cheap
and go for ikea.

there's a reason why
the road less traveled
is less traveled

the air is cold
so are my feet
so is my heart.

i climb up a high mountain
and think im at the top of the world
until i look up
and see another mount

throw a ball
it bounces and comes back
thats fun
thow a ball
it disappears
you walk away.



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