The first modern gold Swedish coin minted in early 1500’s, square coins, triangle coins, super thick coins, paper thin coins, coins in a strip uncut, gold ingots, block coins which really are not coins. No one knows when and why the first coin was made, but obviously it became a popular display of wealth. I think the idea that gold and silver could be more precious than other metals was exploited by a very smart person, giving rise to this whole mess we today know as the economy.

weird coins

cloth money

denmark had some really bad recession in the past, during that time this was how money was used.

weird looking money from all over the world. sometimes you got to wonder what clowns they got to run the country's economy.

people still hoard money and valuables, where moth and rust are at no shortage

jap banana money!

historical. i think i remember reading aobut this in history books

One indonesian cent. not even one rupiah, one cent!

$1? it should be RM, and even that, the coin is alaready out of production and not legal tender.

east india coin, aptly called 'cash'



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