strawberries are in at last.
well, actually they were around already since a few weeks ago. but now they are getting cheap! whooo hooo. about SGD1 for a punnet of 10 or so. and its sweet, not like the ones back in asia.
These are from Spain btw, non 'organic', i.e. genetically modified to make them larger and sweeter. the ones grown locally are supposedly 'organic'. my labmate told me that the first punnet of Swedish strawberries this season was sold for 600 crowns, i.e. 130sgd. then this other girl from the opposite table turned round, '600 crowns? thats cheap'.
I got a shock and decided to stick to my Sgd 1 ones.

this is the largest one in the punnet. its so big, theres a hole inside. reminds me of those old aging trees that have hollow trunks.



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