celebrated new year with food, what else? being strangers in a foreign land, craving for local food. So I teamed up with my sisters to make a memorable meal to usher in a prosperous 2010.

peking duck, roasted and marinated.

wonton soup.

wrapping the wontons. Its a social thing.

first three

end product.

leftover wonton fillings made into meat balls

dangerous woman wielding large knife stalking the kitchen.

fury of the flashing knife finishes of the garlic

pseudo vegetarian

when will it be ready?

making sure the duck gets dark

duck drooling, from the wrong end.

trying to get an even tan

cooking the veg, and usign the water for the wonton soup

boiling the wonton

testing the first wonton, hot hot...

garlic garnishing for the veg.

KFC wings imported from Denmark

wonton soup

the final spread.

this is mine, all mine.

noodle, to go with the siew yok and char siew, which was imported from Amsterdam

a job well done, and all smiles around the table. We drink to more dinners in 2010!!


  1. Herb said...

    Looks yummy to the tummy! Happy New Year my friend!  

  2. samsam said...

    its actually more yummy than it looks!!
    Happy and prosperous 2010 to you too. May God's hand be upon you in all your doing.  


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