Spa Belgium for a day. From our room, you could see the Spa resort on a hill, linked by a diagonal fernacullar, I think thats what they call it.

three types of spring water, all vile tasting. You can see the marble getting discoloured by the water. On is high in iron, another in sulfides, another I have no idea.

pay and you get a token to be strapped around, it acts as a key to open lockers for your clothes and stuff.

the outdoor pool, where you soak and feel warm from neck down and chillingly cold from chin up.

infrared lights to tan or maybe to get skin cancer.

The main pool, heated and indoors, they added chlorine to the water. some parts are like jacuzzis or water umbrellas. quite fun.

the entrance.

the building

the front desk

another famous spa product

taking the fernacullar down

quite steep actually

going off by train. weird sign.



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