bakery with little ghost tarts. hope the little kitty is not afraid.

i've heard of music in the air, but music on the ground?

big kids

on observatory hill looking down at the harbour

sculptour called the shipwrecked.

german church

patch of beautiful autumn trees and glowing sun

another perspective

the volunteer coast guards displaying their boats. its their commemorative day.

the old market, which has closed down. too bad. else could get cheap seafood.

huge gulls walking about. we tried to catch one for lunch

pretty aint we?

old house with rough glass planes. very cool reflection

weird metal bird isnt it?

turns out to be a red light camera

suddenly felt very attracted to the swedish embassy for some unknown reason.

we hopped into a supermart to buy warm cheap ready cooked food for dinner

on the way back to the ship, we needed a hand to get back

moon shine bright bright.

very calm waters and amazing reflection



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