
hello-win surplus stock, a 10 sek pumpkin.

first scratch out the pattern you want on the pumpkin.

gut it out

then cut

this is jack, a chinese pumpkin.

jack's alive!

can see the shadows from the teeth

jack's burning!

jack looking cool in a warm beanie.

then instead of wasting the pumpkin, i decided to use the other side of it to carve something else. so after alot of struggling:

its a beach with two trees swaing in the bayu as the glowing sun sets behind the trailing waves, echoed by the cries of the gulls high in the sky above.

this is how it looks in normal light, just a pumpkin with some holes.not attactive. but with the candles, the fruit transforms into an art.

after a whole night of fun and art, its time to say goodbye to my new friend by the beach

the beach turned into pumpkin soup, with added onions and bay leaves

jack was fried, with prawns from the sea and eggs. isn't jack sweet?



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