took a weekend trip to Helsinki, Finland by boat from Stockholm. We left on friday evening and the boat took the night to reach Helsinki. Went by the cheapest liner, Viking Line. We got the cheapest tickets which is deck 2 which is even lower than the cars and lorries parked at level 3. and its below the sea level of the boat.

of course most of the time was not spent in the room but in the lounges around the boat. actually I thought there would be more entertainment, but maybe european boats are such.

one arm bandits

since there wsa nothing much to do, we went out to freeze ourselves in the 5C weather.

after that we went to the duty free shop and looked about then went back to the claustraphobic room to rest awhile before dinner. here i'm playing with a 2.2 meter long scarf.

buffet dinner whcih cost 350 sek and totally not worth it. its liek the worst buffet i've ever eaten in my life. there was lots of variety but everything was cold and didnt taste great. the fish was hard and the chicken too chewy. the rest were stuff straight out of a can.


probably the only redemption of this sorry dinner is the ice cream

then its back to the room and more hilarious joking about. here someone gets hungry and is thinking of having ladies fingers.

hope tomorrow will be less boring.



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