new place opened in town so went to try it out. supposedly served quite ok dishes according to the ambassador of malaysia. so me and some brave souls went to venture there on one cold sunday night.

the first thing that srikes you is they have very limited choice of veg in the kitchen. the on the right is supposed to be kangkung in belacan. but turns out they ran out of kangkung and replaced it with long beans but when it came out, its french beans, and the same french beans were in the same dishes on the other two plates. sad. and the belacan is more soy sauce than spicy.
the prawns were supposd to be masak kuning, or with coconut milk, that one was ok. the other dish is ayam masak merah, the ayam I see but not the merah, tasted almost the same as the french bean sambal thing.
so its quite dissapointing overall.

dessert was sago and they put it with jackfruit, abit strange.

the whole place we had to ourselves, it was totally empty. I predict it will crash in a month or two.

I wont be back, though i'm patriotic.



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