pasta galore

roadside food the best and cheapest

wood fired oven

gelato heaven

128 flavours


super thin pizza

non-halal macD with bacon!



free water everywhere

down or up

big moon shine bright bright





at last it gets dark at night.

one of my labmate plays the double bass and has a small band and they were invited to play at a local pub this week. So some guys from teh lab decided to go down to support him. They are really talented musicians and the music quality was good. I also like their arrangements for most of the pieces. real good soul food.

came back to my room at 9pm today and it was drizzling, which is the proper weather for Swedish summer. Lo and behold, there was a rainbow, the first i've seen since being here. So i grabbed my cam and went out to try and catch it but was too late to see the full arch and the double rainbow at one corner. enjoy these though:

the chimney looks like its spewing out lumpy puffs of smoke, which is actually funny shaped clouds.

rainbow pics


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