5kg of onions for 1 euro. if you buy loose onions, it costs 1 euro per kg, so as long as you eat 1.1 kg of it, its worth the money.
so if you sniff some onion smelling scent around, its just me passing some gas.

met alison, a corridor friend for one last time before she goes back to her home country. Breakfast it was at this super retro place, 1030 to 1300 breakfast buffet, everything in the place is old and broken, sofas, chairs and tables, but it has a very cool old skool feel.
We were there just as they opened and managed to get the comfy sofa seats, after an hour the whole place filled up to the brim.

shut up or i kill u!

the spread consisted of bread, buns, cheese, ham, jam, butter, humus, tomatoes, cucumber, bell pepper, cornflakes, musli, 3 types of yoghurt, strawberries, lingonberries, pineapple, milk, apple and orange juice, tea, coffee, water, pancakes, boiled eggs.
maybe I missed out a few items.

pancakes and ice cream!

after consuming a certain amount of berries.


to maximise space use, you can sit on the window sill too.

after consuming the same berries her tongue turned blue instead of my red. strange.

goodbye, and see you soon!

my birthday just passed and my dear was here to celebrate it with me, she cooked sambal petai with chicken for dinner!

my present was this canvas mural that I hung up. So andy warhol

she also gave me a haircut, not bad huh?

all the hair droppings. can guess which is hand which is leg?

another meal she cooked up is these portobello mushrooms topped with risotto and slabs of cheese. very good.

close up of the mouthwatering bombs

my cg in singapore sent me a birthday card tht came one day late but its verynice of them anyhow.

the day before my birthday, the malaysian embassy had a hari raya open house, so i went with jin. they served nasi lemak with ayam masak merah, and good banana cake and currypuffs, the rest of the food is forgettable. The guy with the mic is the ambassador.

This is where bank notes for Sweden used to be printed, now its just a museum and the modern facility next door prints the real money used today. So the old building is converted into a museum.

Glass wall partition that is studded with bits of notes

First banknote in the world, made in sweden

spot the malaysian ringgit

Strange thai money

Theres a old house that used to be the fire station of that little village, here the tourists act like they are in a karaoke

The super old fire truck

overly slanted pipes.

The museum owns a few buildings besides the paper making factory.

Nearby is the house where Ms. Caroline taught the kids, This was thier classroom

This was where bright students shined above their peers.

Next door is where she stayed, and there are always children coming around to ask for a story. See the potty?

IN another building is the paper making machinery proper. Too bad there was no one to show us how paper is really made.

on the way back to the train station, we passed by a village where there are tons of apple and pear trees bearing fruit. Wonder if its ok to go pluck because there is so much going to waste, just counting the number of apples rotten and dropped to the floor.

Pear tree!

At the end of it, the harvest was 6 apples, 3 pears and two bottles of special Tumba drink, Its just ice cream soda and some fruit flavours.

summer is drawing to a close and people are growing crazy. This morning I found a vending machine vandalized and its contents emptied. Firstly the guy must be quite strong, and secondly he has a big appetite for mars bars.

On to more pleasant things. Ice cream. Have been wanting to try this out for some time and decided now. Magnum ice-cream that comes in its own box. Dark and light chocolate flavours.

23sek, very classy box, and very well presented.

It was good alright. Very rich and full of creamy chocolate. Not for everyday consumption though.


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