Was at pasir panjang ferry terminal last week hoping the rainclouds would clear soon.

lots of transport ferries, wonder where they are all going

getting off the ferry when i reached the destination:

went to semakau island at the south of singapore, the trash island of the nation. garbage gets incinerated (heat generated used to make electricity) and the bulk reduced by 90% into ash. Ash is transported out to this offshore island to be dumped into artificial lagoons manmade.

thisis where the barges carrying the ash arrive on the island, inside are cranes to scoop out the ash into dump trucks which would go around the island to dump into lagoons.see video 1.

next to the island are bunches of transplanted mangroves. dual purpose: to act as a detection system for leaks in the bunds, and secondly to appease the tree huggers.

At the southernmost part, is the 80m gap that allows seawater to enter the lagoon, so as to not make the water stale. there is a row of floaters known as the golden chain, that keeps out boats because fishing in the lagoon has good returns (i wonder how the guards knew that....). compare the currents inside the lagoon (left) to that of the open sea (right). see video 2.

You are here.

view from the southern point looking to sea. further is Indonesia.

Looking at the calm lagoon. this could almost be converted into a resort.



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