started to buy parts to assemble a new desktop as a replacement for my present AMD Athlon 3000+ single core, 1gb ram ddr400, nForce4 chipset desktop.
first up, new hard disk.
seagate 7200.11 750Gb Sata II with 32Mb cache.
Retail price: $288, bought for $245 from a 'third party'. International warranty till 2012.
made in singapore.

most of the seagates now are from China or Thailand. i prefer to go local because supposedly the local sets have higher QC but those sets are getting rare, so this is a kind of gem.

this one comes with new firmware. there was some trouble with the old SD14 firmware on older sets, so i'm not affected. link here.

there are also lots of reviews touting the new Western Digital HD's as superior to others for models from 1 tetrabyte onwards. review here.

whatever it is, 750 is a massive amount, bought it because of the gigs of pictures and movies i collected over the years. this should keep me happy for awhile.



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