had to replace me old shaver, that i bought when i just came into uni. lasted me now like almost 7 years. got it for about $70 then, which was big money for a student. the battery died and now have to use direct from the plug. the blades are dull already but still usable, and the replacement blades are no more in production. so its time to say goodbye.

got this one online, as all my other recent purchases were. made in holland, but its a US version. locally known as the HQ8140. it retails in local stores for S$199 but i got it for only 100, brand new. this guy somehow gets it for real cheap in US and he goes there often for business. anyway, it comes sealed in the box, so nothing to worry. tried it after an hour of charging and it works slightly better than the old one... haha... its also washable, which means i can directly flush the whole unit under a tap to get rid of the hair stuck in the unit all over the place.
the only annoying thing now is the US plug, and i have to find an adaptor for it each time i charge.

the shave heads are quite a bit of amazing technology. looks really complicated. the replacement heads cost about $19 each, so 3 would cost about $57, erm, more than half the buying price... kinda not worth it to just replace the blades huh?
the specs for this really neat piece of eqpt. can be found here.


  1. Herb said...

    Sorry I don't comment more often. I'm not a big fan of electric shavers, but maybe it's because I never found a good one, I don't know.  

  2. samsam said...

    well, i;ve never used a blade before, so we're probably on opposite sides of the spectrum. but the 8140 is really good, alot better than the old one i got. very gentle on the skin and gets a pretty close cut, but of course nothing beats razor and foam.  


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