terribly overdued post, as usual, no time to photoshop or post due to me rushing the thesis. thats a story for another day and place.
went like 2 weeks ago to the festival. original ticket price is $6 but with student and safra card, its only 2.5. hiak hiak.

one floor was all orchids and stalls selling flowers, with some other areas of AVA booths, flower arrangement competition, etc etc.
the next floor was filled with thematic gardens. sort of building a model garden. i think the garden one was more interesting but the orchids were easier to photograph because of the better lighting.
anyway, took like 2Gb of pictures. here's a small selection of them.

the finger was there to show how small the orchid is.

tried to play but the poles not smooth, keep getting stuck.

good shot, about 1.5 seconds long exposure so everybody had to stay VERY still

won some contest:

labmates and labmates' gf's.

we then hopped over to marina sq for supper.
bean curd

papaya soup with noodles, dumplings and meat.


siu mai

free advertisement.

when we went into the garden show, everybody had a little red heart shaped stamp on their arms. perfect photo opportunity.



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