day 2 in brussels.
church hopping

yucky exki vegetarian shop

stained glass

closeup of the stained glass

this church quite interesting, they have differnt groups of ppl set up nativity scenes around the church, in their own cultural setting. this one is japan

beyond a shadow of doubt, this is an angel at an interesting angle

korean jesus



outside of the church

underground of the church, the present structure was built upon an older church. just build on top of it,

next a trip to a local brewery. Lambic beer takes 3 years to mature before they sell it. its unfiltered and uses yeast in the air to do its job of fermentation. being unfiltered, the yeast is still in the beer when its sold and so will continue to mature until you drink it.

some are left for decades and still drinkable.

having a barrel of fun


the brewery in the same building

come again 3 years from now

belgium: where tintin, smurfs and lucky luke came from

subway drivers have rear view mirrors at the stations

at first i thought it was a castle, upon closer inspection of the tightly closed door, realized it is a prison. so if someone says they live in a prison in brussels, be wary.

a street lined with art nouveau buildings



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