ever had one of those days when everyting fails?

was supposed to go to a 2 day department retreat at some castle. went to the train station on time. but the snowfall the past two days and the cold made the trains malfunction. can you imagine, a country that experiences -30C temperatures buying a train that cant work in the cold? so i waited 30 minutes for the train instead of 5. and when the train came it was packed like sardines. and the 20 minute trip now took 55 minutes. so i was late to the bus terminal and missed the charted bus the department provided. That would have pissed off my boss i guess.

on the way to the station in the train i realized my phone battery died. so i couldnt call anybody to tell them i will be coming late. i dont know if they waited for me, i dont want to ask. when i got there, just walked over to the other platform and waited for the return train. it took the train 40 minutes to get back to where i started.

did some labwork and ran the results. i had two plates, and one totally failed. and this is a patient sample which is difficult to get, and its cells cultured for already a week, and the assay took me 5 hours to do.

then i found out that my abstract submission deadline just passed a day ago and i didnt submit it in. i dont know why i keep thinking it was in 2 days time. my boss sent me an email and for the first time, his email had exclamation marks! not one or two but !!!! four marks. he must be jumpin mad.

someone called up and asked me to go for lunch tomorrow, then a doctor called up and said there will be one patient coming in who is critically sick. so i had to cancel my lunch. and then the bloodbank server went nuts and didnt register my order. and i dont know if the order went in or not and if it didnt went in, i wont get working material tomorrow but if it went in and i reordered, i will have wastage of material.




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