Just some info on my current PC setup:

AMD Athlon 3000+
nForce 800Mhz FSB
DDR400 512Mb x 2
Geforce PCX5300 128Mb
HDD: 80Gb Seagate 5400rpm, 200Gb Seagate 7200rpm

Philips 170B

Kinda happy with it LAST year. But now as I look at it, sighs.... only 3000+? I'm drooling over the 64-X2 which the motherboard can support, and the best they have is a 5000+; which is a total of 10,000Mhz compared to my lowly single core 3,000. Then there's only 1Gb RAM which makes my Office 2007 almost only trot compared to the blazing performance with office03. Want another Gb or two. And GeForce just released the 8800 series....argh.... the GTS has a whooping 640Mb, Thats half the amount of RAM I currently have on board. What a disgrace.

But where is the gratefulness I should be showing for being able to buy and set up my own pc? Half way around the world people are still on 56k modems and probably a PIII. Contentment. I sorely lack that in this ever evolving nucleus country of cutting edge technology, so sharp, the knife cuts the hand that tries to catch it falling. I always wonder, which is greater, to be contended with what I have and live it out or chase the Joneses and live it up. Better to be the 'pop', the 'in', the 'hip' or the 'getting through'?. Maybe there's no right or wrong, like the thousands of other questions people ask these days. Situational ethics, conditional provisions. I just feel myself so sucked into this materialistic world.

God save me...



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