Ever noticed that doctors and lawyers refer to their businesses as a 'practice'. Was thinking about it when I was hospitalized two weeks ago (will tell more another time). They are actually just practicing on patients and clients. It may not work because no one is perfect, but hey! Practice makes perfect, so let them practice their skills on you and maybe you will get to go home in one piece. Thats kind of scary from the viewpoint of the other guy because we think that after you graduate with that LLb or MBBS or PhD or whatever, you should be a professional doctor or lawyer or whatever. Then why should you call it a profession, if you are not a professional at it? And isn't the university or classroom the place where you make all your mistakes and learn from the best tutors and lecturers so that when you do graduate, you dont commit the same mistakes as the textbooks spell out?
Thats the thing about growing up. When I was a kid, A= apple, 1+1 = 2, and 1230pm = lunch. But as you grow up, things are not so straight forward. Biology tells me that A= alanine, physics says that 1+1=0, but 1230 is still lunchtime. I feel a sense of security when things are fixed, when there is a schedule to follow, a plan to execute, a law to abide by. But this world is exactly opposite that. Thats why there is dynamics, there is fluidity, time and tide, tolerance, margin of error, grades,... nothing is set in stone. And because nothing is permanent, one can never claim to know all. Which leads us to only at best, make a sensible calculated guess on the next step to take.
Which is why we are all just practicing
Labels: Musings