fire broke out at the void deck of the apartment block opposite mine about lunchtime today.
heard a few explosion sounds then after a while some spraying sounds then felt a choking billow of smoke enter my living room while i was eating lunch. peered out and saw smoke and fire from the block below. think some kids were playing and exploded some spray cans, then tried to put it out with some small fire extinguisher but didnt succeed.

some people got a hose from my block and sprayed water on the fire.

after awhile, a rhino came with 4 firefighters. they pulled this tiny hose from the vehicle and started spraying something.

very soon after, a fireengine came. they wanted to pull out the big hoses but then later kept those and instead, got out a smaller one.

gawkers. i was an onlooker from a different perspective.

even later on, a policeman came and cordoned off the area with some tape.

after all was done and said, they left and i got down to take a look at the spoils.
the whole place was covered in soot and the light fixture above was melted until it dripped down to the floor. the building only suffered cosmetic damage but the people around that fire probably were cursing at the soot and cleaning trouble that came along with it.



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