Got this from Herb's blog,

Four jobs I have had in my life:
1. Relief teacher: O levels maths, science, english
2. Tuition teacher: O levels maths and chemistry
3. Technician: the university theater (lights and sound)
4. Research Assistant: present job playing with mice

Four Movies I have watched over and over;
1. Transformers (2007)
2. You've Got mail (tom hanks)
3. final fantasy: advent children (straight to DVD, no cinema screening)
4. Ocean's eleven

Four places I have lived:
1. Ulu Klang, Kuala Lumpur
2. Singapore
3. ?
4. ?

Four Shows I love to watch:
1. Prison Break
2. Heroes
3. CSI (i laugh non stop at this one....)
4. ?

Four Places I have been on vacation:
1. New Delhi, India
2. Kathmandu, Nepal
3. Kyoto, Japan
4. Bangkok, Thailand

Four of my favorite foods:
1. mum's cucumber and egg soup with 'tang hoon'
2. black soy sauce chicken with mushrooms
3. beef rendang
4. rice vermicelli in soup with fish slices

Four favorite drinks:
1. Plain water
2. Milo (chocolate) with milk
3. any cereal drink
4. root beer

Four places (and activities) I would rather be(doing) right now:
1. Everest Base Camp
2. Galapagos Island
3. Holding 'her'
4. at home in bed snoring


  1. Herb said...

    Cool. Sorry I have not been around as much as I should. I am trying to catch up, though.  


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