my uni just released office enterprise 2007 for downloading and installing onto PC's in campus, for FREE!
muhahahaha.... today is a good day to be alive.

tidbit: when you are in a state of anger, remember, it's just one small alphabet away from Danger. When you are angry, words, actions, reactions, thoughts, they all bypass the thought center and becomes more of a reflex defensive/attacking mode. And when your anger causes you to react in a wrong way by saying something and then later regretting it, or doing something that cannot be reversed, then that word/action is the danger that you have fallen into and boy, would it be a tough climb out of it to mend the situation.

sightings: found a sandwich dispensing machine in the hospital next to the uni. $2 for a tiny sandwich. not worth it, but quite an interesting distraction. one day will take a photo of it. put in a $10 note and got back 8 golden $1 coins as change.

countdown: christmas is just around the corner. one day gonna drag my camera down to Orchard Road to snap the lights. hope this year its gonna be a good light up. Christmas is indeed the celebration of light, when the wise men fallowed the bright star.

music: coming back from Stockholm, i realized that Abba was from there and won some Eurovision thingy, and now i'm trying to listen to the latter while dusting off the former from my closed-stack collection of mp3's. its too bad the group broke up and never made a comeback. its for sure to be an instant hit no matter how bad they sing on a new album.



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