pc show 2008 was on so i headed down for an external hard disk. there were three choices, all almost the same price: seagate, western digital, and maxtor.

of course lah seagate

free agent 3.5" external hard disk 500Gb 7200rpm. SGD149

like the exchangable power plug, they gave a US, asia 3 pin, and EU adaptor. i'm using the EU 2 pin one.

there's this cool orange led light when the power is on.
its very quiet, more quiet i think than my current hdd in my desktop which sometimes makes weird noises.

transfered my postgrad work over, which was abotu 1gb, then my mp3's which is about 44 gb. and now trying to make a mirror image of my hard disk on it, which would be 100 gb.
maybe shoudl have got the 1Tb one...

but this will do for now, till i fill it up with more rubbish.



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