free entry into museums, part 2: singapore national museum

playing with the sticks

nice archi

every visitor gets this huge heavy ipod looking thing that is connected to a headset. i found the headset obtrusive and not comfortable, so i changed to my own pair as the machine accepts regular headphone plugs.

you start the journey from level 2 and then they make you walk all the way down to the basement by this spiral walkway, round and round.

markings on the floor tell you what number to punch into the headset machine to listen to the voice over depicting the exhibits around.

an original copy of sejarah melayu, the historical/mythical history book about the malay sultans and empires, dating from the era of Majapahit and Parameswara. used to have to read this for malay literature in secondary school.

the 180 degrees video room. very cool. they used 4 projectors to complete the image

a stitched image of the 180 degrees screen.

there were two tracks to follow in the museum, the historical one that goes by chronological order, or the narrative one, that follows the stories of different people through the different events. we took the narative one.

early singapore history. i like the 'floorpaper' as opposed to wallpaper. it is an old map of the city area.

super old map of the island. can find really weird places like 'saw mill' and 'leam chu kang'

the different bricks used to make the differnt buildings, and the coolies that were made to make the bricks; convicts from india.

a lady's dresser

japanese soldiers bikes used to capture the whole malay peninsular. they landed in thailand, and captured the whole of malaysia and singapore in a few months - on bikes.

the anchor from some british boat that got sunk. i think it was Repulse or somehting

a few windows with different people tellign of their feelings of the japanese occupation. a jap soldier, a worker, a shop owner, a british soldier, a revolutionist.

some soldier's awards

japanese propoganda

old road names

some bus ticket thing

what the heck do they use this for? counting votes?

captured from insurgent communists

shadow play.

the outside of the round thing we had to walk down to the start of the gallery. oh yeah, we only managed to see one half of one gallery. there are actually 3-4 galleries in the place. sigh. have to go back again another day.... more 'snake eating'... hiak hiak hiak...

dinner, at manhattan fish market. had a platter for two to share, and a grilled fish on baked rice.


  1. Jinny said...

    Ooh I like the stick thingy...  

  2. samsam said...

    what stick? pic #2?  

  3. Jinny said...



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