a cell group member from my church got baptised today. its a ritual you go through to sort of officially seal your faith as a sign to all that you really decided to become a christian. so its pretty meaningful.

today was a nice warm sunny afternoon. start by queueing up at the pool.

go to the pastor who will say 'i baptise you in the name of the father, son, and holy ghost. '

and he dunks you into the cool water.

perfect on a hot day

when you come out, you feel like you're in heaven

the cell group members await your return

the obligatory group shot.

the caring gf

the almost equally caring contact group leader

the guys

pretty maids in a row

the cell leader has a few verses from the bible to share

given a candle as a sign of being a light in the darkness. to help others who are finding the light.

and given a pinch (or more) of salt, as a sign you got to have 'taste', dont be a bland straight faced pew warmer, but be exciting like salt which influences the soup or the meat or whatever else its thrown into.

get a gift from the group

and the leader prays for you, with everybody else in agreement, that life will be filled with blessings and heart with joy.



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