after 7 years on red dot, the time has come.
leaving is never an easy thing to do
but a wise man once said that change is the only constant in life
and another wise man said that for one to improve, he has to go from his present base to a higher base.
i leave behind acquaintances, friends, family.
my church which has fed me and trained me, encouraged and taught me well.
my lab who has been the people i see more hours in a day then my own pillow. we have been through raining bird parks, smelly spray paint tee shirts, midnight cell cultures, and numerous fun-filled weeks.
my friends who have supported me morally although some of them have questionable morals, brought me out for meals, encouraged me, and kept me company through valleys, and shared my joy on the mountaintop.
i shall not bid them goodbye
i shall say see you soon.