with much difficulty and help from Jin, i managed to buy the missing parts to fix up my pc. need to order online coz there is no computer parts shop in town, most people buy online and then pay and pick up from a shop.

so yesterday night, i was hard at work.

coolermaster hyper 212 cpu cooler, centurion 534 casing, and fortron 400w power supply unit. all for a grand total of 1493 Sek, i.e.sgd328. not the best deal i guess back in red dot.

the rest of the stuff are from red dot, i 'stole' a keyboard and monitor from the lab until i get enough money to get myself a decent one.

very cool screw that came with the 212. the top part screws anticlockwise while the lower part screws clockwise.

the bottom of the cooler supposed to have a mirror finish surface, but can barely make up the outline of my thumbdrive.

after alot of trouble, got it fixed up. messed up the orientation at first and so the fan was facing the wrong way, so had to undo the whole thing and restart. yup, thats what you get when working with low blood glucose level at 8pm without having dinner first.



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