with apples going at 5sek per kg, it was a sin not to buy a dozen of them. What to do with so many apples? apple pie of course

First try in a squre tray, for personal consumption and testing of the oven. so so results. crust abit too thick, and oven abit too cold.

day 2, after knowing the optimized protocol for manufacturing pies, the game begins.

blind baking

this is a special one for my gf who disdains rasins. Notice the mockery I make of it with the crown on the rasinless apple pie.

this one is a disaster. I tried to use gluten free flour as one labmate has alergies. the flour is totally different from normal ones, so my optimized protocol did not work. wasted a few hundred grams of the flour and finally decided to make a crumble. Very valuable lesson.



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