so after getting dinner, we went back to teh boat, you have to use your ticket to swipe through th gantry. no need to check passport.

waiting for the boarding time

walking along the gangway to the boat. theres another cruise line at another port. maybe next time can try that one.

walking along the length of the boat

entering into the boat, our last breath of helsinki air.

no smoking onboard boat

helsinki night cityview

we then went to the duty free shop an ddid a little spot of shopping.

our room

bought this doughnut like texture thing that looks like a hand. in th middle of the palm inside the bun is some jam.

the lounge.

we then collected all our spare change and pooled it together. collected €7+ and we decided toplay the one arm bandit. to my surprise, we actually won something

5€ winning

10€ winning - jackpot

so we won in total 17€ from the hour of hitting the button and shouting at the machines like kids. proably it was quite entertaining to watch us holler about. we decided to use the money won to pay for dinner and the sweets we bought. so i had the task of dividing up the sweets in a nonbias fashion.

the next morning we woke up and found the boat arriving in stockholm.

the vies is just great. but its really cold to stand outside.

docking. happy to be back home but also sad that the hol was really short. we need a longer vacation next time.

workers mooring the boat.

the gangway being attached.



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