Got to use Windows Vista Business and after a week of toying with it, let me say this : IT SUCKS.

Startup is nowhere faster than XP
Just at basal running level, 49% of my 2Gb memory had been used up.
Installing Adobe software creates problems
clicking too fast while copying or browsing the hard disks in explorer causes it to crash, no blue screen of death but windows takes a long while to close down explorer and restarts it.
Upgrading software is a pain, you cannot overwrite old .msi files and deleting the old .msi files before installing upgrades causes the programs to malfunction, stuff like serial numbers and registering disapears from record.
Plugins for Photoshop cant be loaded unless UAC is disabled. And when you disable UAC, Vista in fact is just a 'fancy XP'
Vista asks permission for everything; copying, deleting, renaming files. It gets really annoying after awhile.
Simcity 3000 gets an error message after an hour of play and automatically dies. Vista doesnt even report a problem.
So many programs are incompatible with Vista. Another quarter runs with problems, The other quarter originally came from Microsoft and still require patches.

Give me XP anyday.



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