just too many things to put here, so most are self explanatory, and i'm generally happier with night shots than day ones


piazza republica

arch of constantine


some grave and castle for a lady

relic: footprints of jesus in marble

river tiber

michelangelo's crucifixion of peter

first stained glass in rome. nothing great

piazza popolo

some church, after so many you lose track and the beauty becomes the norm

trevi fountain


trevi fountain by night

some church

some pillar outside the chruch- notice the starburst

inside that same church

nice creepers.

piazza republica in the day. looks better at night, yeah?

weird shape for a church entrance. concave and no dome.

inside that church

via sacra. the road leading to the roman forum

remains of an aquaduct.

another part of the aquaduct being built over by a nearby church, so the two structures fused.

st clemente, with an underground chruch. actually the church underground was ground level last time but somehow the level rose and the new church was build on top of the old and ppl actually forgot there was an underground church until someone started digging and found out. under the chruch is a pagan temple. so its super deep under. very cool.

'decorated' metro

piazza republica by night. very nice.



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