more downside up lights. very diff view from the bottom

the tapestry room, from france i think. the light in the middle is made to match the light shape in the tapestry. they also hold civil weddings here. there are 2 versions, short and long, the short takes 30 seconds, and the long 3 minutes. i think dont even have time to kiss the bride, just sign and leave.


the mural room. some prince painted it. very painstakingly as the this sort of painting requires you to splash paint on the wall and paint it before it dries up. if it dries and you find the picture unsatisfactory, you have to scrape off the entire wall plaster and replaster it. so he took almost forever. the painted each panel to show what then could be seen outside the windows on the other side of the long room, so that guests anywhere can enjoy a view.

light on a mirror, giving the illusion its a full light instead of half. either out of creativity or budget.

the entire side of the mural room

another one

dunno what room

replacement curtains that were made in china (the originals were too tattered), and people speculate that because of that, the faces look like chinese, but after scutiny, they are exactly the same as the originals.

to the gold room

gold room in its full glory

bad planning: miscalculated the height of the room and the last mural on top lost his head. so the designer twisted his story to say that was king Erik who got beheaded by the enemy.

some one very free.



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