all saints' day, celebrated on Nov 1st. is a day to remember saints, and those who have gone to a better (or worse) place.
in Sweden, there is a huge cemetery park called Skogskyrkogården which is also known as the wooded cemetery, a UNESCO world heritage site (there's this thing going on in my head to visit a many of these heritage sites in the world as possible).
anyway, on this night, people visit the graves of family and friends not to say 'over my dead body' but to light candles in remembrance. sounds like Qing Ming (7th month ghost festival) of the chinese, but the ang moh dead dont get any hell money to spend.
its quite a sight if there is quite a lot of candles. so the best bet was to go to the biggest cemetery around, i.e. Skogskyrkogården (which really translated means forest cemetery), so in the -5C temperatures, i braved onwards with my camera and tripod.
and i was rewarded with quite a number of memorable sights.

some famous guy, perhaps not famous enough coz i didnt know who.

panoramic shot from one high point of the garden.

you can put candles, notes, flowers, wreaths.

i have a flame and it burns from the inside, and what the world sees is the cross, shining out of me

leftover from yesterday, dont waste

these people just put candles by the side of the path, to remember their loved ones who are not burried in this area

i have no idea what this is for. its some gas torches around a stone slab (not a grave, i checked)

the way of the cross (notice the stars? its not dead pixels on your monitor)

the other way of the cross

another spot for those who just have candles

more atas people have private areas.

stars (30 second exposure time)

path to a chapel.

angel of death knocks on your door

this is where the name comes from, you have woods, and you have stones

lights for the living and for the dead

its not as eerie as it looks here, its actually quite calming to walk through the forests.
you walk from one end to the other to reach the chapel. its supposed to be a reflective walk. as you walk deeper, it gets darker and you sort of loose hope, then suddenly when yo think all is lost, there is a clearing and you see the chapel.

will go back again one day when its sunny and bright and see the difference.



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