some might wonder what i eat on a day to day basis. well, wonder no more!
this is what i ate in the first week of november.
usually i cook the meats to last me at least 4 meals, and the definition of meals is lunch or dinner.

that week i bought 1kg of fish fillet. so i sort of stewed some of that with onions and garlic. ate that with bought finely chopped spinach, bought frozen in a cube.
monday lunch, monday dinner, tuesday lunch, tuesday dinner

wednesday lunch was too lazy to cook so made totally frozen food (except the rice). frozen beef balls, frozen brocoli and not frozen rice.

Wednesday dinner i came home early so stir fried the last huge piece of fish and an egg for dinner, as well as thursday lunch.

thursday dinner i ate pizza in the lab.

for friday, sat and sunday lunch, i stewed 1kg of drumsticks with bell peppers, lots of shitake mushroom and some garlic.



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