because my internet connection came to the hostel at last, i decided it was time to get a new monitor, having left my beloved philips 170b in KL for my mum to under utilize
shopped around online and decided to go for a less known name. actually wanted a SAMsung 220T but then the new BenQ E2200HD came out and Anandtech had a glowing review on it. besides, it had HDMI input which woudl come in handy for a PS3 or Xbox as well as true 1080 HD resolution, which would mean i could get really native displays from HD discs, not that i have any now...
so went out to buy it. cost me 1900sek, which is like sgd100 more ex then buying it in singapore. yup, first world country, first world price. sigh.
my only other real grevience over this purchase was the absence of a digital cable. the monitor, being a natively digital product was supplied with a sub-D cable. disgraceful.
so had to fork out another 129sek for a HDMI cable.

packaging was ok. usual stuffs. cheap base, with no swivel. but can live with that.

prop it on my table

walah! 22" of true glory.

put a thumbdrive at the bottom right of the screen for comparison.
the built in speakers suck, totally no bass and it has some hissing problems. probably really cheap drivers.
the headphone plug in equally sucks. lots of interferance and hissing. will plug my headphones directly from the box in the future.
no time to try out how good the resolution is or tune the colours yet. next week!



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