one interesting thing in my lab is the fruits basket. there is a basket near the entrance and every monday and wednesday at noon, a man comes in to fill the basket with fruits. the department pays for it. everybody loves fruits and its gone in 5 minutes. its something to look forward to when coming to lab and keeps your morale 0.05% higher when doing experiments. it also makes you more sensitive to the lab's doorbell ringing on mondays and wednesdays.

an hour later


  1. Where I Am said...

    Hi Sam,it's Am!
    (Isn't that funny how this rhymes? =P)
    Hey, just know that you are doing PhD in Sweden, Congrats! Hope things are going alright, don't be too stressed or depressed on the change, man. I had a pretty rough time at the start of my PhD too, take 6 months for me to really get over it and really get started. But I'm sure you'll do much better. Just keep looking at positive things, man. Take care,


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