I'm gonna settle down. too much hopping makes the spirit stirred but not shaken. erm, that last sentence sounds stupid. nevermind, what i have written, i have written.


today was advent sunday. they had the choir, some kids, and some teenagers go up to the stage to sing.
they had baptism. there were like 20 people getting baptised. for a church this size, i cant say i was not impressed. its growing, and growth is always a good sign, unless of course you have a tumor. i digress.
they had communion. yes, i can critique that they used leavened bread, that the ushers were slow, that the way they serve left much to be improved, that security was lax. i could complain that traffic flow was horrible after and before service. i could point out the poor translation, that there was too much stage movement, that the cameraman wasnt working hard enough. the pastor should have been more lively, that the songs should have english translations at the bottom. the sax was too soft, the bass too boomy and the drums was missing somethign in the 1k- 5k range. mics were slow to be turned on, and lights were uneven. babies in the hall were crying and no one kept them out, disturbing the whole congregation.

but i cant say that i didnt felt the holy spirit when i was singing the worship song. i cant say i didnt feel the love of God in my hearts when the pastor was preaching. i cant say that Jesus didnt meet us there today.



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