so i mentioned previously that i made a trip to the royal mews. thats where they keep the king's horses and carriages. the first exhibit are more modern horsepower. cadillacs, porche and mercedes. all so black, quite gloomy.
and from watching enough action/thriller shows, i know that the swedish king does not have an armor plated car. he's probably a nice guy and has few enemies, so why waste all that metal.

this should be about a 270 degree view of the stables from the inner courtyard, which i forgot what the proper name is.

hi max! each horse has a name and a particular stable.

this one is more friendly.

horse rides, again for children only. notice the sock like thing on the forelegs.
¤pouts again¤

cute. i wonder if he/she can see anythign through all that hair

the stables.

teh stable guard. looks like someone the king can trust. again, i am stereotyping from watchign too many movies.

next exhibit. carriages. all these are still functional and are used like once a year at max. so most of them are really old, this one came from 1873. from this, one important lessons for budding entrepreneurs: carriage making is a bad business plan. buy one, and it lasts more than 150 years before they actually want to buy another.

the state seal, which is on everywhere and everything.

door knobs

this is the one the king sits in for the national day i think. its made in 1897.

'for my yoke is easy and my burden is light'

past names of horses. can you imagine a horse named elevator?

i think this is the oldest one they have on display.

this is the wedding present for king gustaf V from his in laws. supposedly only used once in 1889 to transport the stockholm stock exchange bell. made in 1881 in paris.

the emblem, as i said, is everywhere

jingle bells jingle bells jingle all the way, oh what fun it is to ride on a one horse open sleigh.
now that song makes sense.

and here is where the bells are kept. now all i need is a horse...

one seater. probably in olden days the equivalent of a sports car.

where they keep the stirrups and lacing. thats alot of leather.

i wonder if its real silver.

evening, i.e. 3pm.



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