went to kungstragatan, which is somwhere in the city and there was a small christmas market there.

skating rink next to it. to skate is free, but you need to rent skates, which cost like 5€ . must learn. swedes are good at this, especially the older folk, coz it used to be much colder last time (global warming) so the older generation know how to skate better.

the best decorated christmas tree so far i've seen. normally swedes, like ikea, go for functionality and simplicity. just a tree and lights, thats it.

i dont know if its charcoal or coal, but its sure warm

the stalls in the market. some people say that when you go to a christmas market, you go to one, and you seen them all. coz they sell almost all the same things.

roasted almonds, i like his hat.

elk, moose, wild boar sausage. i bought this! but they all taste the same to me, salty.

this is glögg, which is mulled red wine. they heat up old red wine and add spice, so lots of the alcohol escapes. add in some rasins and almonds, and you have glögg! its a european thing. and you got to eat it with pepperkaka, i.e pepper cookies. but doesnt taste much of pepper.

the man sieving out my glögg

candy. the streets of stockholm is overflowing with it.

there's this troll/elf like thing that people buy to put in their houses during christmas, no idea whats it all about. will find out soon.

fingers getting cold? worry not!

dentists just love these stalls, not that they patron it much.

dont remember the name for this. pigmy horse? one ride costs 30sek. but for kids only.




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