the state of the art in science is found always in war where the technologically superior side has an unfair advantage over the adversary. but in the science of war, there is always the art of war. why decorate a piece of killing instrument so finely? by doing that does it empower its user or does it become more threatening to the enemy. i doubt they will ever come close enough to scrutinize the handle of your gun to be terrified.

war banners. i now understand why banners are so important. they are specially commissioned by the king to be made and are very expensive. when a war is won or lost, the banner changes hands. its like a war trophy. so the winning king gets to keep his rivals' flag and boast about it hundreds of years later. each banner is for one war, and each has its own symbolism behind it.

testing the guns and the bullets it shoots through wood, metal and pastic

some proud king has his name on every gun.

heavy metal

choose love, not war. the kid is real, the two adults are not.

missile head. i think thats quite large.

very intricate. i dont know why they spent so much time doing this when they could do somethign more meaningful, like bake a cake or catch a fish, maybe because cakes and fish dont last 200 years.

not an easy instrument to navigate

napolean's new fashion for his generals. supposed to make them look more man. well, he did lose in the end.



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