went last week (notice all my posts are about last week?) to an ice hockey match that is usually played in dec to march.
AIK is a Stockholm team, and Malmö is a nearby town. of course AIK was the favorites to win. they are second on the league while malmö is 8th.

very fast hi speed action. very rough game too, lots of shoving and pushing.

the ice hockey stadium. nice. but chilly, got to keep your jacket on. and the crowd was fantastic, lots of singing and cheering and shouting. feels like a real sports match.

the 'jail box' where players get sent if they commit a serious foul, sit in there for 2 minutes.

there are 3 thirds with each lasting 20 minutes, and in between there is a 18 minute rest. during this time, the ice machine comes out to smoothen the surface. the machine takes approximately 10 minutes to do its job. the goal post is fixed onto the ice with drills.

very steep sides.

i believe you can fly

fights erupted sporadically, and the 3 referees had to work hard to split them apart.

crush the opponent on the wall, and grab the puck

restart of match after foul.

the sticks are made of some plasticy material that can get out of shape in rough encounters. and when it does, the player just leaves it on the ice. and skates just to bang other players onto the wall. and then much later, only get a new stick.

so the ref got to do the cleaning up of stickes. this happened twice in this match. and when you are skating in that area, just avoid the stick on the ice, or kick it to one side.

how to get a goal if the golie is so huge?

at the secodn break, you can buy these numbered pucks to throw into the rink, the one closest to the middle wins something. here the organizer walks to the middle to pick up the closest one, and she was waving frantically to stay balanced while on the ice.

end of game, AIK won with 2-0. quite fun. the whole stadium roared when they scored a goal.

the stadium from outside, Hovet, which is next to Globen, which i hope to visit another time.



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