the reason i stayed in Eindhoven the whole day was because of Glow 2008. every year, they get in lighting designer to put up displays. some are interesting, some are really cool, while some others are downright lousy.

this one is the cool category. it seems like the lights are floating on water.

downright stupid. here a female hand terrorizes the lighting display.

philips is one of the sponsors of the event.

if this is what top artistes come up with, i declare myself a genius.

the Eindhoven stadium, wrapped in light. i counted 4 huge projectors.

interesting. this is supposed to be the ultimate urban living. scaffolding and a room right on top of it.

the story goes, that this guy built this urban dwelling and shifted in. in the evening, at 7, the lights came on and he enjoyed his book but when it came to midnight and he wanted to sleep, the light plug did not work. so the next day he went to ikea, but they told him there was nothing wrong with his light. and so he went back. that night, he searched for the light cable and found that it was actually the street lamp.

a big balloon inflated by air. an oasis of hot soup and tea, a shelter from the cold night winds.

very cool

the next area was all visual arts. some were difficult to understand.

others were psychedelic

live show by stuntmen who went round and round this white spinning thing with a huge projected backdrop on one of the philips warehouses.

overall, it was an interesting experience to further understand how many ways one can take to waste electricity.



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