50kr to attend the church christmas concert. its a 1.5 hour event of people singing, playing instruments and dancing. the way it was presented was quite impressive but very little audience participation. it really was a concert and not a church service. went there 15 minutes before it started and was quite fortunate to find myself a seat at the centre isle.

i liked the double bass. very nimble fingers.

this kid really enjoying himself.


the choir was very strong.

there was one item by 4 guys, one lead on guitar and 3 backup vocalists. they sang 'Mary did you know' in Swedish. liked the raw sound of the guitars. and his voice was pleasant too. it started with picking, then built up to rock, then mellowed down. very well choreographed.
but at some parts i found the voices too thin. not the problem with the singers themselves but i think more with the sound engineer. overall, a good show but felt lethargic after it because of the lack of participation.



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