went to freiburg, germay for two days in the middle of this week for some meeting with other researchers in europe doing the same work as my lab. it was basically travel in in a hurry, meeting, meeting, meeting, then travel out in a hurry.

at germany, while waiting for the train at frankfurt, we had, no-not frankfurters, but bread. and yes, german bread better than swedish.

the ICE train, which is very fast, like 250km/h fast, and the locals call it the 'ichy' train, just to pull fun at it. the tickets were expensive, 2 way 2 hour trip costs €120.

freiburg at last. little cobble sidewalks. like upsala, its a university town.

spiderclaus in action

the center square

very nice drain covers

pizza like thing i had for lunch, supposedly the local specialty. what so special? nothing.

video i took of us walking through the christmas market on the way to the hospital for the meeting. the markets here are far better than any in sweden i have seen so far. alot more fun stuff to see.

after 7 hours of meetings, we went for dinner. climbed up a hill to this restaurant. quite nice but no german food, sigh. ate pasta with chicken and mushrooms.

the standard european christmas tree. simple.

the hotel we stayed at. this is the lobby. at night it becomes a bar.


my room

on the way back the next day at 2, which was after 3 hours of more meetings, i realized the 'itchy' train had free music. alas, all in german, so listened to clasical music.

quite comfortable and very quiet. oh yea, thats my boss' shoulder.

the only sightseeing i got, window shopping?



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