met up with some singaporeans for an amazing christmas dinner on the eve. it was a long trip there full of almost missed busses and boats. held in the home of a friend on a northern island in Stockhom called Vaxholm. so we had to take a ferry across from mainland to the island. quite unique. and the ferry ride is free. haha.

the cottage house.

preparing. the joke of that evening was 'did you wash your hands?'

de master chef de sous preparing le pie kia.

close up of the pie

baked potato, called johanssons temptation or something.

the owner and host.


flowers to match the tablecloth

its made of anchovies, onions, breadcrumbs, and potatoes.

saffaron buns

trying to multitask, eating buns and learning to cook.

mini sausages and meatballs.

beautiful tableplaces.

char bee hoon!

roast chicken

only when you are away for long enough will you hold the flag with such relish

3 focus points in this picture

the potato thing half done in the oven

julmust, the swedish coke.

13 people only but enough food for a batallion

sill, aka preserved herring. this brand not bad. lots of flavours to choose and quite tasty.

east meets west.

candles lighted outside the house indicates a party is going on inside.

christmas ham. to be eaten with mustard sauce and red raddish.

the pie

dong yuen. the more you eat, the older you get. this one is good, boilled for 2 hours before and had ginger inside.

candle light candle bright

not feeling so well. God rest you not so merry gentleman.

the host played santa



a castle lighted up on the way back at the ferry dock

waiting in the cold -5C for the ferry with overfull stomachs.



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