Hello world!
So, the guy goes missing for a long long time with not a squeak and we have given up all hope that he's still breathing when he pops by like nothing was amiss.
Since the last post, a month has passed. A very quick month, IMHO. It was 3 weeks of eating, sleeping, and sauna-ing in the hot humid tropical heat. Followed by one week of trying to sleep in north north Stockholm when the sun sets only at 2130 and rises at 0230.
But life, and my internal body temperature, is back to normal and I can thus resume my consumption of timewasting tid bits like blogging.
One thing I have realized is the importance of being able to cook. Food is a vital necessity. Forgive the superfluous use of words but out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks, and I'm pretty full.
Made a whole potful of chicken stew last night. Didn't turn out exactly as I wanted but still the taste was there.

Half clove of garlic smashed
2 large white onions ringed
stir fry till aromatic
add in cleaned parts of a whole chicken
brown for a few minutes
add in many handfuls of cubed potatoes
2 diced tomatoes
shitake mushrooms pre-soaked and cleaned
the water from the soaked mushrooms
bring to boil
add in 2 generous tablespoons of rice wine
put into an oven preheated to 175C for 30 minutes.

serve piping hot!



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