well, here's some pics i went around snapping on my new-second-hand camera. feeling uber cool and its nice to hear the 'click-clak' sound of the shutter. just makes you want to take another shot just to hear it again. only problem i have now is getting used to the extra weight of the camera's metal body.
a shoutout to YM, who gave me lots of advice by email and sms leading up to my purchase of the camera. even got me the lens deal. hopefully one day i can match his photography standard. his blog is at http://blessedi.multiply.com/

my very fist shot on this cam

room light. the metering is pretty good. my subject is correctly exposed.

save the rainforest!

my lego's

my breakfast

trying to get some nice 'bokah'. doesnt really work for this lens

with my max zoom, can count the number of leaves on each stalk of the rooftop plant.

heavy rain, strong winds. kind of nice blury effect.

max zoom with my 75-300, amazingly far eh? yes, i know. need a tripod.

min zoom with my 75-300. all from the same point

min zoom with the 18-55

max zoom with the 18-55

one thing i like is that because the pictures are so large in size and resolution, even when you crop it to get to teh subject, its still decently sized. like this lizard.

cropped, to reveal much more detail.



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