bought a new cam for my mum, super cheap. second hand Canon powershot A570is with 1b SD card, 6 months of warranty left, a little carry bag and a rechargeable battery set all for $250. selling promotional price outside now is about 370.

review of the cam here:
my first photo tryout here (not a very pleasant subject but...):

its a great cam thats light but yet has full manual functions and at the same time a great point and shoot cam with face detection and image stabilizer for my mum who really wont know how to use a manual cam.
thinking hard if i should replace my minolta xt soon...its kinda aging and the pictures are really below standards of today. but as it is, i'm already overbroke this month... sigh... dreaming of a canon L lens, dreaming of a Sigma DP1 camera, dreaming of a hv20 handycam....
yup. DREAM ON!!

back to work...



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