bought a new webcam coz my old 320x160 one really sucks. so decided to go 'atas' aka singlish lingo for something expensive or top class. got myself a Microsoft Livecam nx-6000. Full 2.0Megapixels of camera and supposedly 7.2 megapix of still image (interlaced) but all i want is the video function. delicious

got it from ebay for S$90
outside selling for almost double that amount
and this is brand new. still in box. and realized that the guy selling it was a previous colleague. so no problems with authenticity.

it even comes with its own little carrying case. the camera can be opened and closed like a pen. click open and click close. cool.

a picture taken from video feed at full 2.0megapix resolution. looks great!, erm, the picture, not the lazy looking model.



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